
The contribution of eggs to breakfast

04 October 2012

An average-sized egg (around 60g) contains 7 grams of protein, most of which is found in the egg white and contains around 70-80 calories.

Egg protein contains all 9 essential amino acids required by the human body and two eggs contain as much protein as 100g of meat or fish. Its fat content is 7g. Most of it is contained in the yolk and 2/3 of the amino acids are unsaturated. Amino acids in the composition of the egg are very beneficial to our health. The cholesterol content is 190mg.

The old myth that eggs raise cholesterol has collapsed on the basis of a great number of studies that took place in the last decade.

These studies conclude that even the daily consumption of eggs does not have a significant impact on blood cholesterol levels, on condition of a balanced diet with low saturated fat content. It was shown, in other words, that what increases the cholesterol and all lipids in the human body is saturated fats and not cholesterol contained in foodstuffs.

It is worth noting that eggs are one of the best sources of choline. Choline is a necessary ingredient of fats which plays a significant role in brain health. Many people have a choline deficiency, traces of which can be found in various foods.

The human body may compose choline itself; however, this quantity is insufficient and it must be complemented from food. Starting the day with an egg may possibly cause saturation and help with losing weight, as compared with other foods, as shown by research.

The subjects of the study were 160 healthy volunteers on a low calorie, low fat diet and they were separated into two groups.

In the first group, the subjects ate 2 eggs for breakfast, 5 days a week, while those in the second group ate 1 bagel. Both sets of breakfasts contained exactly the same number of calories.

Finally, the volunteers in the first group who ate eggs, lost double the weight as compared to the others, their waist circumference was reduced by 83% more and their energy levels were greatly improved.

Blood tests showed that the levels of triglycerides of the “good” (HDL) cholesterol and the “bad” (LDL) cholesterol remained the same in both groups.
As also shown by other studies, the ghrelin hormone level, which incites the hunger feeling, was significantly higher in persons who consumed breakfast containing carbohydrates. It was observed that the consumption of eggs in the morning helps in the reduction of calorie consumption up to 18% daily.

The volunteers who based their breakfast on egg protein consumed 112 calories less at lunch time, as compared to those who ate a high carbohydrate breakfast and at the end of the day, they had consumed around 400 calories less.

Researchers concluded that the increased feeling of hunger saturation and the energy offered by eggs to the human body, help dieters to comply better with their dieting regime.

Egg protein may be best in leading to a feeling of saturation for longer, thus reducing the feeling of hunger and the consumption of food at following meals. Protein rich foods create a sense of stomach fullness for longer, reducing the desire to consume extra food.

For people wishing to lose some weight, researchers believe that more studies must be done into the idea of transforming the type of protein in the diet, rather than its quantity, as a strategy for weight loss.

Just because something is good for our health it does not mean that the more we eat of it, the better. Two eggs a day, a few days a week is a healthy and safe quantity for most people.
In particular, one egg a day may conveniently be a part of a healthy diet for healthy adults.

Date: October 4th 2012